If you are a jailbreaker or unlocker I would like to give you some suggestions so that you would not face any trouble. First of all you have to wait until you make sure that iOS 6 jailbreak is available in the market because if you are jailbreaker you will not enjoy iOS 6 without jailbreak and you may not be able to downgrade from iOS 6 to the previous version. In order to avoid this situation I suggest all of you to save your shsh blobs for the existing firmware so that if you upgrade to iOS 6 and you want to downgrade iOS 6 back you could do it by using the saved blobs.
Use a suitable Cydia tweak like AppBackup to backup your installed apps which easily you can restore later if you downgrade, restore and rejailbreak your device.
Also whenever you want to upgrade to iOS 6 it is better to do it through iTunes and make a backup of your device and all installed apps. In this way when your device will complete the iOS 6 installation it will ask to restore from existing back up or restore as new device so you can get all your apps, photos, notes and images etc.
How To Save iOS 5.1.1 SHSH Blobs Using TinyUmbrella
Creat a new folder on your desktop named saved blobs.
Download the iOS 5.1.1 Firmware For your Device and save in the above folder
Download TinyUmbrella latest version from our jailbreak software download page
Run the TinyUmbrella your device will be automatically displayed there , go to Advance tab in the middle of the window and uncheck “Request SHSH From Cydia”.
Select the save SHSH directory by clicking …
Select your device from left pane and click Save SHSH, now you can see a new file created for your device in the folder you selected in previous step
Save SHSH Blobs in RedSn0w
The next step we need to do is open the RedSn0w 0.9.14b2 and run it, from the main screen go to Extras => SHSH Blobs => Click Stitch => Click IPSW , Now browse and select the firmware file which you downloaded previously. Now in the lower section click Local to stich a local blob file into the IPSW. Browse and select the blob file which you saved using the TinyUmbrella.
After you have selected the local blob file the shsh blobs saving process will start and after few minutes you will receive a message “Blob Stiching Done”
Now this saved blob can be used to downgrade your iOS from iOS 6 to the iOS 5.1.1 very easily using the RedSn0w 0.9.14b2 or any latest version.
I recommend all of you to go through this process and save shsh blobs because anytime you may come to know the iOS 6 awesome features and you may need to upgrade to iOS 6 and you may forget to save the blobs at that moment.
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